Friday 28 February 2020


LI: to create a group image using geometric shapes and knowledge of rotation, reflection and translation. For maths we were learning about 3D shpaes we had to make a google draw then we had to find 3D shapes we had to make a grid at the back. Then we had to make it a colour we this was art.

Kiwi sport-Rippa Rugby

LI: To learn how to play Ripa Rugby.
For kiwi sport we had Ripa Rugby we had our first session. First we had to do this activity there was north south west east if he says north we had to run to north if he said run to south you had to run to south. If you are the last one there that means your out. The second activity we did it was about passing we had to get into four lines the person on the right had to keep passing it to the left then there is a person i front of you then when the ball is at the end you have to pass it the person in front of you.
Then we played game of bull rush but the ball version if he kicks the ball to that means you have to run if he rips the tag of you that means your tager as well. Then we played game of rippa rugby our team won there was red vs green i was in the red team. 

Thursday 27 February 2020


LI: to investigate the strategies we can access throughout the year
This week in reading we learnt about keywords. 
First we worked on understanding what a keyword was and was not. 
Then I made this poster to show my learning. 
I look foreword to using this strategy while reading.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

writing `

LI: to describe using interesting language features.
The ''Descriptive ,writing'' activity is used for practisting using Descriptive lanugage. 

The comments function is used to describe any of the gathered photos. there is a list of language features to help create descriptions.

The objective of the desriptive writing activity is to inprove descriptive language 

Thursday 20 February 2020

Self Portait

LI to use Google Draw tools to create a digital self portrait.
This week we were learning how to make a self digital portrait we only got two choices one was to a easy one or hard i picked the hard. When we making it it was very hard because the lines keept on stoping the hardeist pard my t-shir

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Print Design Rules

LI: to explain what the Print Design Rules mean.
This week we were learning about the Print Design Rules. First we did this task about this good or bad this task was explaining what one is a good Print Design Rules or a bad one. We had to write
why it is good or bad.Print Design Rules mean Text,colour,layout,composition, Then we made up our own rules. For the Print Design rules we had to vote for our rules.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Ti Tiriti o te Waitangi

LI: to learn about Ti Tiriti o te Waitangi

This week we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi by accessing different text types and media.

In groups we needed to firstly access the information and gather the main ideas of Who, What, Where, Why and When. We had journal stories, website, youtube videos and more.

We then had to summarise the information in to sentences using key words. Even though we all picked out different words, the main idea of the treaty are the 3 Ps.

The 3 Ps are Protection, Partnership and Participation. This is what the treaty set out to achieve.

We then had to evaluate our new learnings and think of questions that we want to find more information on.

Crazy cricket chaos

LI: to Develop fundmetal movements in Cricket.
For the first session of cricket with Brian for hpcc.

Then I did a session on throwing a ball at a set of stumps.
We also did an activity where we had to hit the two balls off the cones as far as a comld. Lastly we did a catching drill with 2 balls in a big circle.

At the end I was so tired from all the running. I needed to work on my aiming
when throwing.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

All About Me

Talofa lava

My name is Dayton. I am Samoan and Tongan. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School.
I enjoy to play Apex Legends and when i go to school I like to learn new things.

How to make a safe password

LI: how to make safe and strong password.
This week we were learning how to make a safe password. if you are trying to make a safe passoword first thing to use is lower case letters and captial letters you can mixed them in your passoword. Like have the first letter captial and last lo wer case letter next thing you should use is symbols.You can use a doallar sign and a commar sign. Next thing you should use is numbers you should use the numbers at the end of your passoword.