Monday, 14 September 2020


LI: To To identify and describe connections.

Connections are when something has a smallar idea as something else.There are three main 
 connections and they are text to slef, text to text and text to world.

Text to self is when the text links to what you do. For example- In the story the gruffalo the owl likes to drink tea. my connection is i like to drink tea.

Text to text is when there are stories that have similar ideas or themes. For example in the story the gruffalo the fox is an evil animal. in the rahi and patupairehe the patupairehe is evil as well.

 Text to world is where the text links to a big theme we would see sround the world and everybody does. For Example- In the story the gruffalo the squirrel tells a story to their children. People get told a story by their  elders because the elders describe what they did in there time.

Connections can help you link smallar things to yourslef, text and world which gains you a better understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dayton,

    These are some awesome connections you have made! I like how you have informed the reader about the different connections you can make. What is another connection you can make with a different story, and why have you made that connection?


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